Vacancy Updates

Vacancy profiles on Placement Partner are gearing up to have 2 new features added to them.

During the next two weeks we will be making live the following two features:

When shortlisting candidates to a vacancy, you may find yourself only wanting to show certain candidates on the dynamic detailed tab of Sendouts. This gives you a great view to separate those candidates who were shortlisted and those candidates you are actively able to progress with.

Choose which Shortlisted Candidates to show on the Send Outs tab

The fully detailed view of candidates on the Sendouts tab is incredibly useful; however sometimes you want to see the progress of your candidates for a vacancy at a glance. You are able to toggle on Table View in Sendouts in order to see, filter and work with your candidates in a table view.

View your Candidates on the Shortlist tab in either the default view or on a Table

You are surely as excited as we are to have read the above!

We look forward to sharing the excitement with you!

Be sure to keep an eye out for the blog when each feature is made live!

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